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SIMASEED - Protecting biodiversity in Sicily-Malta Natura2000 sites through Seed Banks and population reinforcement
Project in Numbers
Duration: 44 months
Start Date: 01.03.2018
End Date: 27.10.2021
Partner N.: 4
Project progress:
Total Budget: 1.806.877 €
ERDF Contribution: 1.535.846 €
Project summary
SIMASEED addresses the issue of the progressive loss of terrestrial biodiversity threatened by multiple factors such as climate change and anthropic pressure
The project contributes to halting the loss of terrestrial biodiversity and to promoting a model of sustainable cross-border development, improving the conservation status of wild flora and promoting the use in environmental restoration and in the nursery sector
The project realizes the repopulation of about 40,000 plants belonging to 20 different species representing the Habitat Natura 2000
Expected Results:
4 sq. Km of Natura 2000 sites involved with actions for the terrestrial biodiversity repopulation
Activities and Objectives
Project will initiate a plants repopulation and a collection and conservation of typed seeds within 3 banks
Project activities will realize:
400 wild species seeds collected and stored
20 germination protocols
40000 sprigs of 20 targeted species produced
12000 wild orchids produced
20 plant species identified through DNA barcoding
3 seed banks (two existing and one properly created)
Project Partners
Project Lead Partner:
Università degli Studi di Catania - Dipartimento di Scienze biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali
Project Partners:
University of Malta - Argotti Botanic Gardens and Resource Centre
Regione Siciliana - Dipartimento Regionale Sviluppo Rurale e Territoriale
Ministry for Gozo Eco - Gozo Regional Development Directorate
Project Documents
1 file(s)
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